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The American Dream, Realized

Tropicana® Pink Lemonade is not only a delicious, incredibly refreshing complement to summer taco binging, but it’s also a constant reminder of the American dream. I like to imagine that the visionary behind Tropicana® started her own lemonade stand as a little girl, just to earn a little extra toy cash and she named it after herself because why not? We think it’s got a nice little ring to it. She had no serious intention of expanding it much further. Just as long as she made enough to buy the cool toy of the month. However, without intention, this lemonade stand quickly got the attention of local business owners, who immediately recognized this lemonade stand as a threat to their tyrannical oligopoly on the local lemonade market. Yes, boys and girls, with enough hard work, ambition, and an advanced understanding of microeconomics, you too can go from small-time lemonade stand owner to worldwide lemonade magnate. Dream big.